
  1. Economic empowerment and entrepreneurial skills development (and socio-economic inclusion of women, girls/youth from Moldova and forcibly displaced women (including the creation of the "GLIA" HUB);
  2. Personal and professional development of members (Strengthening resilience and innovation);
  3. Capacity building and increasing the visibility of AFAM as well as members.
  4. Increasing the AFAM network through national and international partnerships (Expanding and leveraging external partnerships)
  5. Advocacy and lobbying as well as increasing access to finance and business sustainability to influence government policy in the development of entrepreneurship and women's leadership.

Lobby and Advocacy

AFAM is a member of the Economic Council under the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, where it represents members interests and contributes to identifying solutions for the problems they face in the entrepreneurial activity. Likewise, the Association is in constant dialogue with representatives of state institutions and agencies tangential to the business environment, thus ensuring an open dialogue between the representatives of these institutions and the members of AFAM. At the same time, the members are trained in the fields of lobbying and advocacy, through which they learn how to become active and benefit from this field.